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Here we provide definitions for several commonly used Cursorless terms.


The action being performed on a target, such as "chuck" (to delete), "post" (to place your cursor after a target), etc.

Content range

The range containing the content of a target. This is the range that will be used when selecting a target, copying a target, as the source of a "bring" command, etc.


The range within which a scope is valid/active. For example, the scope type "key" is valid anywhere inside its containing key/value pair, and "funk name" is valid anywhere inside its containing function.

Iteration scope

The canonical scope for a given scope type that defines the iteration range when "every <scope>" or eg "first <scope>" are issued without an explicit input range. For example, the iteration scope for "arg" is an argument list. Thus, when you say "take every arg", you'll get every argument in the argument list containing your cursor, and "take every arg air" will select every argument in the argument list containing the "air" token. Note that the iteration scope can be ignored by giving an explicit range, eg "take every arg air file", "take every arg air past bat", etc.

Insertion delimiter

The delimiter to be inserted before / after targets when inserting a new target. For example, for list items, the insertion delimiter is ", ".

Leading / trailing delimiter range

The leading delimiter range, if it exists, contains the delimiter before a target; the trailing delimiter range contains the delimiter after a target. For example, for a token with a hat over it, the trailing delimiter will be any whitespace after the token. For a function argument, it will be the trailing comma and any whitespace after the comma. Leading and trailing delimiters are used when constructing the removal range, and can also be targeted directly using the "leading" / "trailing" modifiers.


A single position in a text document, consisting of line and character numbers/indices. A position is equivalent to a zero-length range or zero-length selection. Examples of positions include a cursor position, the start of your selection, the end of a function, etc.


A single range in a text document. Consists of start and end positions. Ranges have no direction, and start is always before, or, in the case of an empty range, equal to end. Examples of ranges include the range of a function, the whole document, a token with a hat over it, etc.

Removal range

The range used when removing a target. This is generally the content range plus one of the leading or trailing delimiter ranges, if they exist for the given target. For example, for a function call argument, the removal range will include a leading or trailing comma and whitespace, so that saying "chuck arg" or "move arg" will clean up the comma.

Scope type

A predefined pattern/structure that can appear in a text document. This could be textual, like line, or paragraph, or syntactic, like function and class. Each scope type represents a way to view a text document in a structured manner, for example as a sequence of lines, or a hierarchy of statements (ie an if statement containing series of variable declarations). Scope types allow us to say things like "take funk" to select the function containing your cursor.


A concrete instance of a given scope type. For example, a particular function, line, or token in a text document.


A directed selection in a text document. A selection is a range with a direction. Contains anchor and active positions, where active is the position of the caret/cursor.


The thing being operated on by a Cursorless command, such as a function, a line, a function parameter, etc. For example, in the command "chuck funk", the target will be the function containing your cursor.