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Test case recorder

We use an automated test case recorder to generate test cases. To use it, you set up a file the way you'd like (usually a minimal file containing something like hello world), positioning your cursor where you want, tell cursorless to start recording, and then issue one or more cursorless commands. It works by recording the initial state of the file including cursor position(s), the command run, and the final state, all in the form of a yaml document. See existing test cases for example outputs.

Recording new tests

  1. Run the extension locally by saying "debug extension" (as described in the inital setup documentation).
  2. Open an editor and fill it out with the content on which you'd like to operate. You can just use an untitled document, or open a real file; it doesn't matter. Please try to keep the file as small as possible, though.
  3. Say "cursorless record". Alternately, issue one of the special recording commands listed in Test case recorder options.
  4. Pick a target directory, or create a new one by just typing the name of the new directory. Using / will create nested subdirectories.
  5. Issue any cursorless voice command, eg "take air". This will result in a new test case being generated in the Cursorless directory. You can verify by returning to the main VSCode window and looking at the source control sidebar to see the new yaml file.
  6. Repeat as many cursorless voice commands as you want recorded. Each command you issue will generate a test case in the form of a new yaml file.
  7. Issue "cursorless record" command again to stop recording

Test case recorder options

The test case recorder has several additional configuration options. The default configuration works for most tests, but you may find the following useful. For a full list of supported configuration options, see RecordTestCaseCommandOptions.

The options

Capturing errors

We support recording tests where the expected result is an error. This can be done using the command "cursorless record error".

Testing decoration highlights

We support testing our decoration highlights, eg the flash of red when something is deleted. If you record tests into the decorations/ directory, these will automatically be captured.

If you'd like to record decorations when recording into a different directory, you can say "cursorless record highlights".

Testing the returned that mark

By default, we don't capture the that mark returned by a command, unless the test is being recorded in the actions/ directory of the recorded tests. If you'd like to capture the returned that mark when recording a test somewhere else, you can say "cursorless record that mark".

Testing the hat map

We have a way to test that the hats in the hat map update correctly during the course of a single phrase. These tests are also how we usually test our range updating code.

Any tests recorded in the hatTokenMap directory will automatically be treated as hat token map tests. To initiate a series of hat token map tests in another directory, say "cursorless record navigation".

Then each time you record a test, you need to issue two commands. The second command should be of the form "take air" (or another decorated mark), and will tell the test case recorder which decorated mark you're checking.

Default config per test case directory

Any test case directory that contains a config.json will set default configuration for all tests recorded in any descendant directory. For example, the file actions/config.json makes it so that all our action tests will capture the final that mark. For a full list of keys supported in this json, see RecordTestCaseCommandOptions.

If you want to check how the navigation map gets updated in response to changes, you can instead say "cursorless record navigation", and then you need to issue two commands in one phrase each time. The second command should be of the form "take air" (or another decorated mark), and will tell the test case recorder which decorated mark we're checking.

Run recorded tests

Recorded tests will automatically be picked up and run with the normal tests.

Changing recorded test cases in bulk


To clean up the formatting of all of the yaml test cases, run pnpm transform-recorded-tests

Canonicalizing fixtures

To upgrade test fixtures to their canonical, latest form, run the command pnpm transform-recorded-tests --canonicalize <paths>. This command should be idempotent.

Partially upgrading fixtures

We periodically upgrade test case fixtures to use the version of our command payload from one year ago. To do so, proceed as follows:

  1. Look at the blame of the big switch statement in the upgradeCommand function in canonicalizeAndValidateCommand. You can do this on the web here
  2. Find the newest case branch that is at least one year old
  3. Look at the version number that is the guard of that case branch; the minimum number should be that + 1
  4. Run pnpm transform-recorded-tests --upgrade --minimum-version 5, where 5 is the minimum version number you found
  5. Open a PR with the changes

Custom transformation

  1. Add a new transformation to the transformRecordedTests directory. Look at the existing transformations in that directory for inspiration.
  2. Change the value at the custom key in AVAILABLE_TRANSFORMATIONS at the top of transformRecordedTests/index.ts to point to your new transformation
  3. Run pnpm transform-recorded-tests --custom

Example of a custom transformation

export function updateSurroundingPairTest(fixture: TestCaseFixture) {
fixture.command.targets = transformPartialPrimitiveTargets(
(target: PartialPrimitiveTargetDesc) => {
target.modifiers?.forEach((modifier) => {
if (modifier?.type === "surroundingPair") {
let delimiterInclusion: DelimiterInclusion;
switch (modifier.delimiterInclusion as any) {
case "includeDelimiters":
delimiterInclusion = undefined;
case "excludeDelimiters":
delimiterInclusion = "interiorOnly";
case "delimitersOnly":
delimiterInclusion = "excludeInterior";
modifier.delimiterInclusion = delimiterInclusion;